When his Cabbages are Weeded, We’ll See the Caterpillars Come Back (Quand ses choux seront bien sarclés, on verra les chenilles rappliquer) from the series Au Cap de la Chèvre
Louis Legrand (1863 - 1951), 1892
lithograph in black on chine collé on wove paper, 35.9 cm x 54.9 cm
Credits: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (gift of mr. W.O. Russell)
What is it?
What can you see?
- Object number
- p2503oS2009
- Edition
- half of the edition destroyed by accident
- Dimensions
- 35.9 cm x 54.9 cm, 18.9 cm x 29.1 cm, 21.5 cm x 29.1 cm
- Catalogue raisonné
- Ramiro 104,Arwas 54
- printmaker
- Louis Legrand
- publisher
- Gustave Pellet
- Credits
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (gift of mr. W.O. Russell)
- signature
- Louis Legrand
- inscription
- Quand ses choux seront bien sarclés, on verra les chenilles rappliquer. by Legrand, Louis
- number
- A2 15-354 (K) [A54]
Ramiro, Erastène, Louis Legrand peintre-graveur : catalogue de son oeuvre gravé et lithographié, Paris, 1896, no. 104
Arwas, V., Leblanc, V., Louis Legrand : catalogue raisonne, London, 2006, p. 151-152
Van Gogh Museum : jaarverslag 2009, Amsterdam, 2010, p. 29, 41