Vincent's Letters
View and read Vincent's letters online. Search the entire correspondence by keyword or letter number.
Browse our extensive collection of books, journals and documentation in the library catalogue. The Library study room is open by appointment.
The study room is the ideal place to learn more about Vincent van Gogh in the context of his time. Our Library is home to publications on the visual arts in the period 1800-1920, as well as documentation charting the museum’s history.
If you are looking for specific physical or digital publications, browse our library catalogue and send us an email with the titles and shelf marks of the publications that you would like to view in the study room.
Most of the publications in our catalogue can only be viewed in the study room. It is not possible to borrow publications, but they can be reserved for longer periods of time.
The Library is home to a comprehensive selection of relevant publications on the visual arts from the period 1800-1920, with a focus on Vincent’s life and work, his contemporaries, the artists who inspired him, and those whom he inspired. You’ll also find historical sources that transport you back to the fascinating art world of the 19th century.
All of the books that Vincent is known to have read are available in the Library. Some of these are the actual books owned by Vincent, or by his family. Our collection includes the complete 19th-century library from Amsterdam art society Arti et Amicitiae, and books from this collection can be viewed at the Library on request.
All of Vincent’s artworks have been meticulously documented, including the works in the collections of other museums. In the study room, you’ll find publications about the artworks, as well as information about the history of the Van Gogh Museum and The Mesdag Collection, and on the exhibitions held at the museums. Correspondence and other (digital) records can also be viewed in the Library.
The Van Gogh Museum Library is home to more than 35,000 books and articles, and we subscribe to more than 20 journals and auction catalogues. The Library acquires some 1,000 publications every year.
Browse our online library catalogue to find out which publications you would like to view in the study room. Once you have found what you are looking for, send us an email with the title and shelf mark, and we will put it aside for you.
Most of the publications in our catalogue can only be viewed in the study room. Some publications are available online in open access. These documents have the shelf mark ‘online’ and are accompanied by a hyperlink.
For a selection of online sources about Van Gogh and the Van Gogh Museum’s publications, please visit the Van Gogh Museum Digital Library.
View the recent additions to the library collection:
Various collections have been digitised and are available online:
The study room is open from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to noon and from 1 pm to 5 pm. If you would like to use the study room facilities, please register in advance by sending an email to
Please indicate your preferred date and time slot. Please state which publication(s) or documentation you would like to view when making your request.
The Library is closed on the following days:
Easter Monday
King’s Day (27 April)
Liberation Day (5 May)
Ascension Day
Whit Monday
24 December to 1 January
Browse the library catalogue and let us know the titles and shelf marks of the publications that you would like to view in the study room. It is not possible to borrow publications, but they can be reserved for longer periods of time.
If you would like to find out more about a particular subject, but are not sure where to start, please get in touch. We are here to help!
The study room is accessible to wheelchair users. Some of the desks in the study room are height adjustable. All viewing spaces are well lit, and reading aids are available on request. A wheelchair accessible toilet is also present.
If you have any other questions regarding study room accessibility, please get in touch by sending an email to