Butterflies and Poppies
Currently on view
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, May-June 1889
oil on canvas, 35 cm x 25.5 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
When Van Gogh made this painting he started with the flowers and butterflies and filled in the blue background only afterwards. This is clear from the fact that the broad strokes of blue paint occasionally cover the green stems of the flowers. Van Gogh even left part of the canvas unpainted, with the bare cloth visible.
Using various shades of green, he gave depth to the tangle of stems, leaves and petals. Van Gogh skilfully captured the spirit of the delicate poppies. Some of the buds are about to burst open.
- F-number
- F0748
- JH-number
- JH2013
- Object number
- s0188V1962
- Dimensions
- 35 cm x 25.5 cm, 52.8 cm x 43.5 cm, 8 cm
- Provenance
- With his brother Theo van Gogh, Paris, after June 1889; after his death on 25 January 1891, inherited by his widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, and their son, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Paris; administered until her death on 2 September 1925 by Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Bussum/Amsterdam/Laren; transferred by Vincent Willem van Gogh, Laren, on 10 July 1962 to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam; agreement concluded between the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the State of the Netherlands, in which the preservation and management of the collection, and its placing in the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, to be realized in Amsterdam, is entrusted to the State, 21 July 1962; given on loan until the opening of the museum on 2 June 1973 to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Vienna, Kunstforum Wien, Faszination Japan. Monet-Van Gogh-Klimt, 10 October 2018-20 January 2019, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 March-24 June 2018, no. zonder nr.
Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto), Van Gogh & Japan, 20 January-4 March 2018, no. zonder nr.
Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 October 2017-8 January 2018, no. zonder nr.
Sapporo, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Van Gogh & Japan, 26 August-15 October 2017, no. zonder nr.
Williamstown, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Van Gogh and Nature, 14 June-13 September 2015, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Hermitage Amsterdam, Vincent. Het Van Gogh Museum in de Hermitage Amsterdam, 29 September 2012-25 April 2013, no. 94
Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, Van Gogh: Up Close, 25 May-3 September 2012, no. zonder nr.
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Philadelphia Museum of Art, Van Gogh: Up Close, 26 January-6 May 2012, no. zonder nr.
Krems an der Donau, Kunsthalle Krems, Japan. Meiji-Kunst der Sammlung Khalili und Japonismus von Van Gogh bis Schiele, 25 February-3 June 2007, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Pronkstukken uit keizerlijk Japan. Meiji-kunst uit de Khalili collectie, 7 July-22 October 2006, no. zonder nr.
Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia, Gauguin/Van Gogh. L'avventura del colore nuovo, 22 October 2005-19 March 2006, no. 110
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh koopt bij Bing / Van Gogh buys at Bing's, 26 November 2004-27 February 2005, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Gogh Modern. Vincent van Gogh en de hedendaagse kunst, 27 June-12 October 2003, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Reflecties: Japan en japonisme, 19 May-17 September 2000, no. zonder nr.
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 17 January-16 May 1999, no. 62
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 4 October 1998-3 January 1999, no. 62
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Japan : Van Gogh's Utopia, 7 June-22 September 1991, no. zonder nr.
Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Vincent van Gogh, 28 January-4 April 1988, no. 45
Rotterdam, Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde, In het spoor van de liefde. Japans-Nederlandse ontmoetingen sinds 1600, 6 September 1986-5 January 1987, no. 368
Ōsaka, National Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh from Dutch collections. Religion, humanity, nature, 21 February-31 March 1986, no. 43
London, Hayward Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation Amsterdam, 23 October 1968-12 January 1969, no. 152
Wolfsburg, Stadthalle Wolfsburg, Vincent van Gogh. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, 18 February-2 April 1967, no. 59
Gothenburg, Göteborgs Konsthallen, Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 15-30 March 1958, no. zonder nr.
Sandviken, Konsthallen, Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 27 February-11 March 1958, no. zonder nr.
Östersund, Konstmuseet, Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 8-23 February 1958, no. zonder nr.
Umeå, Länsmuseet, Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 18 January-2 February 1958, no. zonder nr.
Kiruna, Norrmalmsskolan, Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 29 December 1957-13 January 1958, no. zonder nr.
Luleå, Shopping, Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 4-19 December 1957, no. zonder nr.
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum (Stockholm), Vincent van Gogh. Akvareller, teckningar, oljestudier, brev, 5 October-22 November 1957, no. 114
Antwerp, Feestzaal Antwerpen, Vincent van Gogh, 7 May-19 June 1955, no. 311
Bern, Kunstmuseum (Bern), Vincent van Gogh, 27 November 1954-30 January 1955, no. 50
Hilversum, Raadhuis Hilversum, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 7 October-5 November 1950, no. 37
The Hague, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Vincent van Gogh. Collectie ir. V.W. van Gogh, 12 October 1948-10 January 1949, no. 139
Paris, Galerie Charpentier, Beautés de la Provence, December 1947-February 1948, no. 156
Groningen, Museum van Oudheden, Vincent van Gogh, 18 October-16 November 1947, no. 73
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh en zijn tijdgenooten, 6 September-2 November 1930, no. 103
New York, Modern Gallery, Van Gogh exhibition, 22 November-12 December 1915, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 15 July-1 September 1905, no. 196
Luijten, Hans, Richards, L., Jo van Gogh-Bonger : The woman who made Vincent famous, London, 2023, p. 309
Dirven, Ron, November, Hans, Ruud van Empel : inventing Van Gogh, Zundert, 2021, p. 28
Kahng, Eik, Cronan, Todd, Misteli, David, Rainof, Rebecca, Skokowski, Rachel, Heugten, Sjraar van, Young, Marnin, Through Vincent's eyes : Van Gogh and his sources, New Haven, 2021, p. 83-84
Hartog Jager, Hans den, Hockney - Van Gogh : the joy of nature, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 123
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 130
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Meesterwerken in het Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 130
Benesch, Evelyn, Friborg, Flemming, Gianfreda, Sandra, Wieninger, Johannes, Faszination Japan : Monet - Van Gogh - Klimt, Heidelberg, [2018], p. 118
Uhlenbeck, Chris, Tilborgh, Louis van, Oikawa, Shigeru, Japanese prints : The collection of Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 2018, p. 71, 75
Uhlenbeck, Chris, Tilborgh, Louis van, Oikawa, Shigeru, Japanse prenten : De collectie van Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 2018, p. 71, 75
Bailey, Martin, Starry night : Van Gogh at the asylum, London, 2018, p. 40, 42
Tilborgh, Louis van, Bakker, Nienke, Homburg, Cornelia, Kodera, Tsukasa, Uhlenbeck, Chris, Guitton, Claire, Van Gogh & Japan, Brussel, 2018, p. 104, 107, 192
Kendall, Richard, Heugten, Sjraar van, Stolwijk, Chris, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, 2015, p. 83, 85, 171, 231
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : the years in France : complete paintings 1886-1890 : dealers, collectors, exhibitions, provenance, London, 2013, p. 184
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : de près, New Haven, 2012, p. 6, 72, 215, 276
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : up close, New Haven, 2012, p. 6, 71, 215, 277
Jansen, Leo, Suijver, Renske, Blokland, Ann, Vincent, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 117-118
Veen, Wouter van der, Knapp, P., Van Gogh in Auvers : his last days, New York, 2010, p. 145, 151, 299
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : Die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : Die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 182
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 182
Veen, Wouter van der, Knapp, P., Vincent van Gogh à Auvers, Vanves, 2009, p. 145, 151, 299
Bremen-Ito, K. van, Gulik, W.R. van, Kodera, Tsukasa, Rappard-Boon, C. van, Japanese prints : catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection, Zwolle, 2006, p. 40-41
Mori, G., Van Gogh : il Giappone come utopia, p. 32
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 392, 394
Leeuw, Ronald de, Van Gogh Museum : schilderijen en pastels, Zwolle, 1993, p. 228-229
Bremen-Ito, K. van, Gulik, W.R. van, Kodera, Tsukasa, Rappard-Boon, C. van, Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection of Japanese prints, Zwolle, 1991, p. 41
Segal, S., Flowers and nature : netherlandish flower painting of four centuries, Amsterdam, 1990, p. 256
Frezzotti, Stefanie, Heugten, Sjraar van, Pagnotta, Francesca, Vincent van Gogh, Milaan; Rome, 1988, [unpaged]
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 348
Akiyama, T., Rappard-Boon, C. van, In het spoor van de liefde : Japans-Nederlandse ontmoetingen sinds 1600, Amsterdam ; Rotterdam, 1986, p. 136
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 284, 311, 641
Luijten, Hans, Richards, L., Jo van Gogh-Bonger : The woman who made Vincent famous, London, 2023, p. 309
Dirven, Ron, November, Hans, Ruud van Empel : inventing Van Gogh, Zundert, 2021, p. 28
Kahng, Eik, Cronan, Todd, Misteli, David, Rainof, Rebecca, Skokowski, Rachel, Heugten, Sjraar van, Young, Marnin, Through Vincent's eyes : Van Gogh and his sources, New Haven, 2021, p. 83-84
Hartog Jager, Hans den, Hockney - Van Gogh : the joy of nature, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 123
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 130
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Meesterwerken in het Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 130
Benesch, Evelyn, Friborg, Flemming, Gianfreda, Sandra, Wieninger, Johannes, Faszination Japan : Monet - Van Gogh - Klimt, Heidelberg, [2018], p. 118
Uhlenbeck, Chris, Tilborgh, Louis van, Oikawa, Shigeru, Japanese prints : The collection of Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 2018, p. 71, 75
Uhlenbeck, Chris, Tilborgh, Louis van, Oikawa, Shigeru, Japanse prenten : De collectie van Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 2018, p. 71, 75
Bailey, Martin, Starry night : Van Gogh at the asylum, London, 2018, p. 40, 42
Tilborgh, Louis van, Bakker, Nienke, Homburg, Cornelia, Kodera, Tsukasa, Uhlenbeck, Chris, Guitton, Claire, Van Gogh & Japan, Brussel, 2018, p. 104, 107, 192
Kendall, Richard, Heugten, Sjraar van, Stolwijk, Chris, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, 2015, p. 83, 85, 171, 231
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : the years in France : complete paintings 1886-1890 : dealers, collectors, exhibitions, provenance, London, 2013, p. 184
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : de près, New Haven, 2012, p. 6, 72, 215, 276
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : up close, New Haven, 2012, p. 6, 71, 215, 277
Jansen, Leo, Suijver, Renske, Blokland, Ann, Vincent, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 117-118
Veen, Wouter van der, Knapp, P., Van Gogh in Auvers : his last days, New York, 2010, p. 145, 151, 299
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : Die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : Die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 182
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 182
Veen, Wouter van der, Knapp, P., Vincent van Gogh à Auvers, Vanves, 2009, p. 145, 151, 299
Bremen-Ito, K. van, Gulik, W.R. van, Kodera, Tsukasa, Rappard-Boon, C. van, Japanese prints : catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection, Zwolle, 2006, p. 40-41
Mori, G., Van Gogh : il Giappone come utopia, p. 32
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 392, 394
Leeuw, Ronald de, Van Gogh Museum : schilderijen en pastels, Zwolle, 1993, p. 228-229
Bremen-Ito, K. van, Gulik, W.R. van, Kodera, Tsukasa, Rappard-Boon, C. van, Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection of Japanese prints, Zwolle, 1991, p. 41
Segal, S., Flowers and nature : netherlandish flower painting of four centuries, Amsterdam, 1990, p. 256
Frezzotti, Stefanie, Heugten, Sjraar van, Pagnotta, Francesca, Vincent van Gogh, Milaan; Rome, 1988, [unpaged]
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 348
Akiyama, T., Rappard-Boon, C. van, In het spoor van de liefde : Japans-Nederlandse ontmoetingen sinds 1600, Amsterdam ; Rotterdam, 1986, p. 136
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 284, 311, 641