Flying Fox
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Nuenen, October-November 1884
oil on canvas, 41.5 cm x 79.0 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
This is a type of tropical bat – an unusual subject for an artist. The one painted by Van Gogh was stuffed and mounted. Just look at its stiff, unnatural pose.
Van Gogh knew a man in Eindhoven (NL), Antoon Hermans, with a collection of more than 300 mounted exotic animals. This bat may have come from that collection. Van Gogh wanted to depict the translucent wings clearly, so he placed a light source behind them.
- F-number
- F0177a
- JH-number
- JH1192
- Object number
- s0136V1973
- Dimensions
- 41.5 cm x 79.0 cm, 60 cm x 97.5 cm, 8.0 cm
- Provenance
- Probably left by the artist with his mother, A.C. van Gogh-Carbentus, Nuenen/Breda, sometime between November 1885 and February 1886; given in safekeeping to Janus Schrauwen, Breda, April 1888; left with Janus Schrauwen by A.C. van Gogh-Carbentus after her move to Leiden, 1889; sold by Janus Schrauwen to Jan C. Couvreur, 14 August 1902; sold by Jan C. Couvreur to Kees Mouwen Jr and Willem van Bakel, Breda, 1902-03; given on consignment by Kees Mouwen Jr and Willem van Bakel to Kunstzalen Oldenzeel, Rotterdam; 1904 sold by Kunstzalen Oldenzeel to A.F. Philips, Eindhoven, probably at their exhibition (Tentoonstelling van werken door Vincent van Gogh), cat. 36 (Vleermuis (vampier)); after his death on 7 October 1951 inherited by his widow A.H.E.M. Philips-de Jongh, Eindhoven; after her death on 7 March 1970 bequeathed to her inheritance; sold by the inheritance to the Theo van Gogh Foundation, Laren and transferred to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Tokyo, Sompo Museum of Art, Van Gogh and Still Life: From Tradition to Innovation, 17 October 2023-21 January 2024, no. 5
Arles, Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles, Vincent van Gogh: vitesse & aplomb, 2 March-30 June 2019
Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Beauté animale, 21 March-16 July 2012
Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Tierschau. Wie unser Bild vom Tier entstand, 16 March-5 August 2007
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Carnegie Museum of Art, Fierce Friends. Artists & Animals in the Industrial Era 1750-1900, 25 March-27 August 2006, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Beestachtig mooi. Kijken naar dieren 1750-1900, 5 October 2005-5 February 2006, no. zonder nr.
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Carnegie Museum of Art, Light! The Industrial Age, 1750-1900: Art & Science, Technology & Society, 1750-1900, 7 April-29 July 2001, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Licht! Het industriële tijdperk 1750-1900. Kunst en wetenschap, technologie & samenleving, 20 October 2000-11 February 2001, no. zonder nr.
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 17 January-16 May 1999, no. 19
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 4 October 1998-3 January 1999, no. 19
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, De schilders van Tachtig. Nederlandse schilderkunst 1880-1895, 1 March-26 May 1991, no. 39
Glasgow, Burrell Collection, The Age of Van Gogh. Dutch Painting 1880-1895, 10 November 1990-10 February 1991, no. 24
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Zonder titel [Presentatie in het museum], 20 December 1983-February 1984
Bordeaux, Galerie des Beaux-Arts (Bordeaux), Nature morte de Brueghel à Soutine, 5 May-1 September 1978, no. 165
Rotterdam, Kunstzalen Oldenzeel, Tentoonstelling van werken door Vincent van Gogh, 10 November-18 December 1904, no. 36
Bergsma, Rieta, Bionda, Richard W.A., Blotkamp, Carel, Endt, Enno, Smoorenburg, Sanne van, The age of Van Gogh : dutch painting 1880-1895, Zwolle, 1990, p. 133-134
Voisin, E., Album de l'exposition : beauté animale, Paris, 2012
Héran, E., Pinault Sørensen, M., Voisin, E., Beauté animale, Paris, 2012
Bremen-Ito, K. van, Gulik, W.R. van, Kodera, Tsukasa, Rappard-Boon, C. van, Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection of Japanese prints, Zwolle, 1991, p. 162
Duret, Evelyne, La Chauve-Souris : vie, art et symbole, p. 1-16
Hulsker, Jan, The complete works of Vincent van Gogh, Tokyo, 1978, vol. 1, pl. 95
Hoek, Jack van, De Eindhovense kennissen van Vincent van Gogh : de drukker, de lithograaf, de fotograaf en de schilder, Valkenswaard, 2016, p. 45
Hendriks, Ella, Johnson jr., C. Richard, Loeff, Luuk van der, First international workshop on image processing for artist identification, Amsterdam, 2007, p. 31, 41
Hoek, Jack van, Komen de modellen voor vleermuis en uil, door Vincent van Gogh, uit een Eindhovense collectie?, p. 54-56
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 256, 262
Hoek, Jack van, Nuenen of Parijs : de lokalisatie en datering van twee schilderijen van Van Gogh herzien : deel 2: Vincents kennissenkring te Eindhoven : opgezette uil en zwaluw wellicht ook in Nuenen gemaakt, p. 21-25
Meedendorp, Teio, Hendriks, Ella, Struick van der Loeff, L., Rehabilitation of a flower still life in the Kröller-Müller Museum and a lost Antwerp painting by Van Gogh, p. 34-35
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 328
Bionda, Richard W.A., Blotkamp, Carel, De schilders van Tachtig : nederlandse schilderkunst 1880-1895, Zwolle, 1991, p. 162
Blühm, Andreas, Lippincott, L., Tier Schau : wie unser bild vom tier entstand, Köln, 2007
Hendriks, Ella, Geldof, Muriel, Van Gogh's Antwerp and Paris picture supports (1885-1888) reconstructing choices, p. 73
Vellekoop, Marije, Hendriks, Ella, Jansen, Leo, Meedendorp, Teio, Bakker, Nienke, Dijk, Maite van, Van Gogh's studio practice, Amsterdam, 2013, p. 228
Leeuw, Ronald de, Tilborgh, Louis van, Esner, Rachel, Becker, Edwin, Heugten, Sjraar van, Leeman, Fred, Vriend, Anita, Van Gogh Museum Journal 1995, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 185
Welsh-Ovcharov, Bogomila, Vincent van Gogh : his Paris period 1886-1888, Utrecht ; Den Haag, 1976, p. 229
Tilborgh, Louis van, Vellekoop, Marije, Vincent van Gogh paintings : Volume I : Dutch period 1881-1885 : Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam ; Blaricum ; London, 1999, p. 230-233
Tilborgh, Louis van, Vellekoop, Marije, Vincent van Gogh schilderijen : Nederlandse periode, 1881-1885 : Van Gogh Museum : 1, Amsterdam ; Blaricum, 1999, p. 230-233
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 100, 178-179, 618
Kahng, Eik, Cronan, Todd, Misteli, David, Rainof, Rebecca, Skokowski, Rachel, Heugten, Sjraar van, Young, Marnin, Through Vincent's eyes : Van Gogh and his sources, New Haven, 2021, p. 68-69
Bergsma, Rieta, Bionda, Richard W.A., Blotkamp, Carel, Endt, Enno, Smoorenburg, Sanne van, The age of Van Gogh : dutch painting 1880-1895, Zwolle, 1990, p. 133-134
Voisin, E., Album de l'exposition : beauté animale, Paris, 2012
Héran, E., Pinault Sørensen, M., Voisin, E., Beauté animale, Paris, 2012
Bremen-Ito, K. van, Gulik, W.R. van, Kodera, Tsukasa, Rappard-Boon, C. van, Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection of Japanese prints, Zwolle, 1991, p. 162
Duret, Evelyne, La Chauve-Souris : vie, art et symbole, p. 1-16
Hulsker, Jan, The complete works of Vincent van Gogh, Tokyo, 1978, vol. 1, pl. 95
Hoek, Jack van, De Eindhovense kennissen van Vincent van Gogh : de drukker, de lithograaf, de fotograaf en de schilder, Valkenswaard, 2016, p. 45
Hendriks, Ella, Johnson jr., C. Richard, Loeff, Luuk van der, First international workshop on image processing for artist identification, Amsterdam, 2007, p. 31, 41
Hoek, Jack van, Komen de modellen voor vleermuis en uil, door Vincent van Gogh, uit een Eindhovense collectie?, p. 54-56
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 256, 262
Hoek, Jack van, Nuenen of Parijs : de lokalisatie en datering van twee schilderijen van Van Gogh herzien : deel 2: Vincents kennissenkring te Eindhoven : opgezette uil en zwaluw wellicht ook in Nuenen gemaakt, p. 21-25
Meedendorp, Teio, Hendriks, Ella, Struick van der Loeff, L., Rehabilitation of a flower still life in the Kröller-Müller Museum and a lost Antwerp painting by Van Gogh, p. 34-35
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 328
Bionda, Richard W.A., Blotkamp, Carel, De schilders van Tachtig : nederlandse schilderkunst 1880-1895, Zwolle, 1991, p. 162
Blühm, Andreas, Lippincott, L., Tier Schau : wie unser bild vom tier entstand, Köln, 2007
Hendriks, Ella, Geldof, Muriel, Van Gogh's Antwerp and Paris picture supports (1885-1888) reconstructing choices, p. 73
Vellekoop, Marije, Hendriks, Ella, Jansen, Leo, Meedendorp, Teio, Bakker, Nienke, Dijk, Maite van, Van Gogh's studio practice, Amsterdam, 2013, p. 228
Leeuw, Ronald de, Tilborgh, Louis van, Esner, Rachel, Becker, Edwin, Heugten, Sjraar van, Leeman, Fred, Vriend, Anita, Van Gogh Museum Journal 1995, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 185
Welsh-Ovcharov, Bogomila, Vincent van Gogh : his Paris period 1886-1888, Utrecht ; Den Haag, 1976, p. 229
Tilborgh, Louis van, Vellekoop, Marije, Vincent van Gogh paintings : Volume I : Dutch period 1881-1885 : Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam ; Blaricum ; London, 1999, p. 230-233
Tilborgh, Louis van, Vellekoop, Marije, Vincent van Gogh schilderijen : Nederlandse periode, 1881-1885 : Van Gogh Museum : 1, Amsterdam ; Blaricum, 1999, p. 230-233
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 100, 178-179, 618
Kahng, Eik, Cronan, Todd, Misteli, David, Rainof, Rebecca, Skokowski, Rachel, Heugten, Sjraar van, Young, Marnin, Through Vincent's eyes : Van Gogh and his sources, New Haven, 2021, p. 68-69