A Crab on its Back
Currently on view
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Paris, August-September 1887
oil on canvas, 38 cm x 46.8 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Van Gogh took the idea of painting a crab from Japanese prints. He had found the same subject there. Vincent and his brother Theo collected colourful Japanese woodcuts.
Here, Van Gogh painted the crab in bright shades of red against a green background. He was experimenting with what he called 'the laws of colour' described by the French painter Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863). According to this theory, colours like red and green form a pair. They are known as complementary because, when placed side by side, they both have a stronger effect. Van Gogh was a great admirer of Delacroix and had learned about his colour theory from books by Charles Blanc.
- F-number
- F0605
- JH-number
- JH1663
- Object number
- s0124V1962
- Dimensions
- 38 cm x 46.8 cm, 55.5 cm x 63.6 cm, 8 cm
- Provenance
- With his brother Theo van Gogh, Paris, after September 1887; after his death on 25 January 1891, inherited by his widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, and their son, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Paris; administered until her death on 2 September 1925 by Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Bussum/Amsterdam/Laren; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh, Laren to the Mesdag Museum, The Hague, 1926; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh to the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, from 1927 to 1930; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, since 22 October 1931; transferred by Vincent Willem van Gogh, on 10 July 1962 to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam; agreement concluded between the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the State of the Netherlands, in which the preservation and management of the collection, and its placing in the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, to be realized in Amsterdam, is entrusted to the State, 21 July 1962; given on loan until the opening of the museum on 2 June 1973 to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 March-24 June 2018, no. zonder nr.
Paris, Musée d'Orsay, Van Gogh/Artaud. Le suicidé de la société, 11 March-6 July 2014, no. 39
Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Paris. New perspectives, 15 July-23 September 2013, no. zonder nr.
Sendai, Miyagi Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Paris. New perspectives, 26 May-8 July 2013, no. zonder nr.
Kyoto, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Paris. New perspectives, 30 March-19 May 2013, no. zonder nr.
Seoul, Seoul Arts Center, Van Gogh in Paris. A dialogue with modernism, 4 November 2012-24 March 2013, no. zonder nr.
Nagasaki, Huis ten Bosch (Japan), Van Gogh in Paris: New perspectives, 29 July-28 October 2012, no. zonder nr.
Nagoya, Nagoya City Art Museum, Van Gogh. The adventure of becoming an artist, 22 February-10 April 2011, no. 94
Fukuoka, Kyushu National Museum, Van Gogh. The adventure of becoming an artist, 28 December 2010-13 February 2011, no. 94
Tokyo, National Art Center, Van Gogh.The adventure of becoming an artist, 1 October-20 December 2010, no. 94
Seoul, Seoul Museum of Art, Van Gogh. Voyage into the myth, 24 November 2007-16 March 2008, no. zonder nr.
Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Tierschau. Wie unser Bild vom Tier entstand, 16 March-5 August 2007, no. zonder nr.
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Carnegie Museum of Art, Fierce Friends. Artists & Animals in the Industrial Era 1750-1900, 25 March-27 August 2006, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Beestachtig mooi. Kijken naar dieren 1750-1900, 5 October 2005-5 February 2006, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh koopt bij Bing / Van Gogh buys at Bing's, 26 November 2004-27 February 2005, no. zonder nr.
Richmond (Virginia), Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Van Gogh and Gauguin: an Artistic Dialogue in the South of France, 26 March-13 June 2004, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Gogh Modern. Vincent van Gogh en de hedendaagse kunst, 27 June-12 October 2003, no. zonder nr.
Williamstown, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Impression. Painting Quickly in France 1860-1890, 16 June-8 September 2001, no. zonder nr.
London, National Gallery (London), Impression. Painting Quickly in France 1860-1890, 1 November 2000-28 January 2001, no. zonder nr.
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 17 January-16 May 1999, no. 56
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 4 October 1998-3 January 1999, no. 56
Tokyo, Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh and his time. Still lifes from the Van Gogh Museum and the H.W. Mesdag Museum, 12 September-11 November 1996, no. 10
Tokyo, Setagaya Art Museum, Vincent van Gogh and Japan, 4 April-24 May 1992, no. 19
Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto), Vincent van Gogh and Japan, 18 February-29 March 1992, no. 19
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh en de moderne kunst 1890-1914, 16 November 1990-18 February 1991, no. 24
Essen, Museum Folkwang, Vincent van Gogh und die Moderne 1890-1914, 11 August-4 November 1990, no. 29
Charlottenlund, Ordrupgaard Museum, Gauguin og van Gogh i Kobenhavn i 1893/Gauguin and van Gogh in Copenhagen in 1893, 12 December 1984-10 February 1985, no. 67
Toronto, The Art Gallery of Toronto, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings-Drawings / Tableaux-Dessins, 10 February-12 March 1961, no. 36
Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings-Drawings / Tableaux-Dessins, 29 December 1960-31 January 1961, no. 36
Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings-Drawings / Tableaux-Dessins, 17 November-18 December 1960, no. 36
Montréal, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings-Drawings / Tableaux-Dessins, 6 October-6 November 1960, no. 36
Newcastle upon Tyne, Laing Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings & Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 11 February-24 March 1956, no. 56
Manchester (England), Manchester City Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings & Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 17 December 1955-4 February 1956, no. 56
Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings & Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 29 October-10 December 1955, no. 56
Antwerp, Feestzaal Antwerpen, Vincent van Gogh, 7 May-19 June 1955, no. 267
Bern, Kunstmuseum (Bern), Vincent van Gogh, 27 November 1954-30 January 1955, no. 47
Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich, Vincent van Gogh, 9 October-21 November 1954, no. 34
Assen, Provinciehuis, Vincent van Gogh in Assen, 7-29 November 1953, no. 14
IJmuiden, Hoogovens, restaurant Walserij Oost, Vincent van Gogh. Exposition in the canteens of the Royal Netherlands Blast Furnaces and Steelworks, 2-12 October 1953, no. 16
Zundert, Parochiehuis, Vincent van Gogh in Zundert, 30 March-20 April 1953, no. 17
Eindhoven, Van Abbemuseum, Vincent van Gogh, 22 March-4 May 1952, no. 53
Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition, 1 February-16 April 1950, no. 92
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition, 21 October 1949-15 January 1950, no. 92
Oslo, Kunstnernes Hus, Vincent van Gogh, 24 April-15 May 1948, no. 39
Bergen (Norway), Kunstforening, Vincent van Gogh, 23 March-18 April 1948, no. 39
Groningen, Museum van Oudheden, Vincent van Gogh, 18 October-16 November 1947, no. 66
Geneva, Musée Rath, 172 oeuvres de Vincent van Gogh (1852-1890), 22 March-20 April 1947, no. 127
Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh, 24 January-15 March 1947, no. 127
Mons, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 27 December 1946-January 1947, no. 126
Brussels, Paleis voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 9 November-19 December 1946, no. 126
Luik, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 12 October-3 November 1946, no. 126
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh. Werken uit de verzameling van Ir. V.W. van Gogh, in bruikleen afgestaan aan de Gemeente Amsterdam, 14 February 1931-1931, no. 63
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh en zijn tijdgenooten, 6 September-2 November 1930, no. 75
The Hague, Pulchri Studio, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 21 March-26 April 1925, no. 15
Paris, Galerie Marcel Bernheim, Exposition rétrospective d'oeuvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), 5-24 January 1925, no. 11
Stuttgart, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Ausstellung Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890, 12 October-30 November 1924, no. 10
Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich, Vincent van Gogh, 3 July-10 August 1924, no. 24
Basel, Kunsthalle Basel, Vincent van Gogh, 27 March-4 May 1924, no. 31
London, Leicester Galleries, Works by Vincent van Gogh, 1 December 1923-15 January 1924, no. 16
New York, Montross Gallery, Vincent van Gogh Exhibition, 23 October-31 December 1920, no. 65
Cologne, Kölner Kunstverein, V. van Gogh, July-August 1914, no. zonder nr.
Berlin, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer, Vincent van Gogh 30. März 1853 - 29. Juli 1890. Zehnte Ausstellung, 1 June-5 July 1914, no. 17
Antwerp, Zaal Comité voor Artistieke Werking, L'art contemporain. Salon 1914 / Kunst van Heden. Tentoonstelling 1914, 7 March-5 April 1914, no. 20
Breslau, Galerie Ernst Arnold, Ausstellung Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890, February 1912, no. 12
Dresden, Galerie Ernst Arnold, Ausstellung Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890, February 1912, no. 12
Bremen, Kunsthalle Bremen, Zonder titel, 6 December 1911-8 January 1912, no. zonder nr.
Hamburg, Galerie Commeter, [Vincent van Gogh], 11 October 1911-January 1912, no. 30
Amsterdam, Larensche Kunsthandel, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen en teekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 16 June-14 August 1911, no. 23
Leiden, Het Leidsche Volkshuis, Schilderijen en tekeningen van Van Gogh, 14-18 November 1910, no. zonder nr.
Chemnitz, Kunstsalon Gerstenberger, Vincent van Gogh, April 1910, no. zonder nr.
Dresden, Galerie Ernst Arnold, Vincent van Gogh, February-March 1910, no. zonder nr.
Frankfurt am Main, Woning Herr Carl Marcus (directeur Frankfurter Kunstverein), Vincent van Gogh, January 1910, no. zonder nr.
Munich, Moderne Kunsthandlung Brakl & Thannhauser, Vincent van Gogh, October-December 1909, no. 17
Berlin, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer, [titel onbekend], October 1908, no. 27
Amsterdam, Kunsthandel C.M. van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh tentoonstelling, 3-24 September 1908, no. 57
Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurter Kunstverein, V. van Gogh Ausstellung, 14-28 June 1908, no. 26
Dresden, Kunsthandlung Emil Richter, Vincent van Gogh/Paul Cézanne, April-May 1908, no. 24
Munich, Moderne Kunsthandlung, Vincent van Gogh, March-April 1908, no. 24
Paris, Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Cent tableaux de Vincent van Gogh, 6 January-1 February 1908, no. 15
The Hague, Kunsthandel C.M. van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh tentoonstelling, Summer 1908, no. 57
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 15 July-1 September 1905, no. 90
Rotterdam, Kunstzalen Oldenzeel, Tentoonstelling der werken wijlen Vincent van Gogh, March 1896, no. 10
Copenhagen, Den Frie Udstilling, Den Frie Udstilling, 26 March-May 1893, no. 179
The Hague, Haagsche Kunstkring [Buitenhof], Werken van Vincent van Gogh, 16 May-6 June 1892, no. 2
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Tilborgh, Louis van, Bakker, Nienke, Homburg, Cornelia, Kodera, Tsukasa, Uhlenbeck, Chris, Guitton, Claire, Van Gogh & Japan, Brussel, 2018, p. 45, 191
Echte, B., Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Cordioli, P., Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer : die Ausstellungen 1912 - 1914, Wädenswil, 2016, p. 702, 762
Vellekoop, Marije, Hendriks, Ella, Jansen, Leo, Meedendorp, Teio, Bakker, Nienke, Dijk, Maite van, Van Gogh's studio practice, Amsterdam, 2013, p. 163
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : the years in France : complete paintings 1886-1890 : dealers, collectors, exhibitions, provenance, London, 2013, p. 69
Hendriks, Ella, Li, J., Yao, L., Rhythmic brushstrokes distinguish Van Gogh from his contemporaries : findings via automated brushstroke extraction, p. 1160
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : de près, New Haven, 2012, p. 18, 55, 75-76, 129, 253, 271
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : up close, New Haven, 2012, p. 18, 55, 74-76, 129, 253, 271
Hendriks, Ella, Tilborgh, Louis van, Eikema Hommes, M. van, Geldof, Muriel, Hageman, Monique, Van Gogh in Paris : a dialogue with Modernism, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 106-107
Hendriks, Ella, Tilborgh, Louis van, Eikema Hommes, M. van, Geldof, Muriel, Hageman, Monique, Van Gogh in Paris : new perspectives, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 64
Bakker, Nienke, Jansen, Leo, Luijten, Hans, The real van Gogh : the artist and his letters, Londen, 2010, p. 122
Stolwijk, Chris, Suijver, Renske, Berger, Helewise, Dieltjes, Esther, Hendriks, Ella, Van Gogh : the adventure of becoming an artist, Tokyo, 2010, p. 160-161, 256
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : Die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : Die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 67
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 67
Coyle, Laura, The Still-life paintings of Vincent van Gogh and their context, Ann Arbor, 2007, p. 452, 605
Blühm, Andreas, Lippincott, L., Tier Schau : wie unser bild vom tier entstand, Köln, 2007
Harcourt, C. d', Du coq à l'âne : les animaux racontent l'art, 2002
Brettell, Richard Robson, Havell, J., Impression : painting quickly in France 1860-1890, London, 2000, p. 228
Brettell, Richard Robson, Havell, J., Impressionisme : de vrijheid van de losse toets, Londen, 2000, p. 228
Snell, R., Seen through a temperament : containing change: Impressionism and the defining experience of modernity, p. 16
Mori, G., Van Gogh : il Giappone come utopia, p. 32
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 381, 385
Kodera, Tsukasa, Leeuw, Ronald de, Vincent van Gogh and Japan, Kyoto, 1992, p. 94-95
Dorn, Roland, Költzsch, G.W., Leeman, Fred, Leeuw, Ronald de, Vincent van Gogh and early modern art = Vincent van Gogh and the modern movement : 1890-1914, Freren, 1990, p. 121
Dorn, Roland, Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Leeman, Fred, Vincent van Gogh en de moderne kunst : 1890-1914, Zwolle, 1990, p. 94-95
Dorn, Roland, Leeman, Fred, Vincent van Gogh und die Moderne : 1890-1914, Essen, 1990, p. 121
Cachin, F., Leeuw, Ronald de, Nonne, Monique, Pabst, S.J., Welsh-Ovcharov, Bogomila, Van Gogh a Paris, Parijs, 1988, p. 158
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 343
Hulsker, Jan, The complete works of Vincent van Gogh, Tokyo, 1978, vol. 2. pl. 192
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 244-245, 635
Steenhoff, Willem, Catalogus Vincent van Gogh : werken uit de verzameling van Ir. V.W. van Gogh, in bruikleen afgestaan aan de Gemeente Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1931, p. 32
Bremmer, Hendricus Petrus, Moderne kunstwerken : schilderijen, teekeningen en beeldhouwwerken, Amsterdam, 1903-1910, vol. 7