Field with Irises near Arles
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Arles, May 1888
oil on canvas, 54 cm x 65 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Van Gogh was captivated by the colours of the landscape around the town of Arles (FR). He particularly loved the contrast between the yellow and purple flowers in the fields.
In the landscape, he felt he could see a reflection of the world he knew from his collection of Japanese prints. Japanese artists used large areas of colour in their compositions, often with a sharp diagonal. They also regularly zoomed in on a detail in the foreground. Van Gogh adopted these elements in his paintings. It was just like 'a Japanese dream,' he wrote in a letter to his brother Theo.
The painting was recently examined and restored. In the process, the old discoloured varnish layer which had dulled the colours was removed. The colours are now much brighter.
- F-number
- F0409
- JH-number
- JH1416
- Object number
- s0037V1962
- Dimensions
- 54 cm x 65 cm, 75 cm x 84.5 cm, 7.8 cm
- Provenance
- Given by the artist to Paul Eugène Milliet to take to his brother Theo van Gogh, Paris, mid-August 1888; after his death on 25 January 1891, inherited by his widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, and their son, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Paris; administered until her death on 2 September 1925 by Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Bussum/Amsterdam/Laren; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh, Laren to the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, from 1930 to 1937; transferred by Vincent Willem van Gogh, to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam, 10 July 1962; agreement concluded between the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the State of the Netherlands, in which the preservation and management of the collection, and its placing in the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, to be realized in Amsterdam, is entrusted to the State, 21 July 1962; given on loan until the opening of the museum on 2 June 1973 to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Vienna, Albertina, Matthew Wong | Vincent van Gogh. Painting as a Last Resort, 14 February-22 June 2025
Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich, Matthew Wong / Vincent Van Gogh, 20 September 2024-26 January 2025
Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Klimt. Inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse..., 3 February-29 May 2023
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Kleur als Taal. Etel Adnan, 20 May-4 September 2022
Houston, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Hockney-Van Gogh: The Joy of Nature, 21 February-20 June 2021
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, 'Je liefhebbende Vincent'. Van Goghs mooiste brieven, 9 October 2020-10 January 2021
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh en de Zonnebloemen, 21 June-1 September 2019
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Hockney-Van Gogh: The Joy of Nature, 1 March-26 May 2019
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 March-24 June 2018
Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto), Van Gogh & Japan, 20 January-4 March 2018
Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 October 2017-8 January 2018
Sapporo, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Van Gogh & Japan, 26 August-15 October 2017
Arles, Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles, Van Gogh en Provence : la tradition modernisée, 14 May-11 September 2016, no. 19
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh aan het werk, 1 May 2013-13 January 2014
Amsterdam, Hermitage Amsterdam, Vincent. Het Van Gogh Museum in de Hermitage Amsterdam, 29 September 2012-25 April 2013
Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, Van Gogh: Up Close, 25 May-3 September 2012
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Philadelphia Museum of Art, Van Gogh: Up Close, 26 January-6 May 2012
London, Royal Academy of Arts, The Real Van Gogh: the Artist and His Letters, 23 January-18 April 2010, no. 91
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Goghs brieven. De kunstenaar aan het woord, 9 October 2009-3 January 2010
Basel, Kunstmuseum Basel, Vincent van Gogh zwischen Erde und Himmel: die Landschaften, 26 April-27 September 2009, no. 32
Vienna, Albertina, Vincent van Gogh. Gezeichnete Bilder, 4 September-7 December 2008, no. 87
New York, Neue Galerie, Van Gogh and Expressionism, 23 March-7 July 2007, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh en het expressionisme, 24 November 2006-4 March 2007
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Pronkstukken uit keizerlijk Japan. Meiji-kunst uit de Khalili collectie, 7 July-22 October 2006
Nagoya, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Van Gogh in context, 26 July-25 September 2005, no. 98
Ōsaka, National Museum of Art, Van Gogh in context, 31 May-18 July 2005, no. 98
Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art (Tokyo), Van Gogh in context, 23 March-22 May 2005, no. 98
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh koopt bij Bing / Van Gogh buys at Bing's, 26 November 2004-27 February 2005
Toledo (Ohio), Toledo Museum of Art, Van Gogh: Fields. The Poppy Field and Competition Between Artists, 21 February-18 May 2003, no. 9
Bremen, Kunsthalle Bremen, Van Gogh: Felder. Das Mohnfeld und der Künstlerstreit, 19 October 2002-26 January 2003, no. 33
Kōbe, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Vincent & Theo van Gogh, 7 September-4 November 2002
Sapporo, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Vincent & Theo van Gogh, 5 July-25 August 2002
Martigny, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Van Gogh, 21 June-26 November 2000, no. 52
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 17 January-16 May 1999, no. 45
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 4 October 1998-3 January 1999, no. 45
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Langs velden en wegen. De verbeelding van het landschap in de 18de en 19de eeuw, 28 November 1997-3 March 1998
Tokyo, Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh and his time. Four seasons from the Van Gogh Museum and the H.W. Mesdag Museum, 12 September-11 November 1997, no. 6
Tokyo, Setagaya Art Museum, Vincent van Gogh and Japan, 4 April-24 May 1992
Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto), Vincent van Gogh and Japan, 18 February-29 March 1992
Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Vincent van Gogh, 28 January-4 April 1988
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Arles, 18 October-30 December 1984, no. 27
Bern, Kunstmuseum (Bern), Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam, 25 January-15 April 1973, no. 21
Strasbourg, Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain Strasbourg, Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam, 22 October 1972-15 January 1973
Munich, Haus der Kunst, Weltkulturen und moderne Kunst, 16 June-30 September 1972
Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam, 21 December 1971-10 April 1972, no. 64
New York, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 14 February-4 April 1971, no. 31
San Francisco, M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 11 December 1970-31 January 1971, no. 31
Baltimore, Baltimore Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 11 October-29 November 1970, no. 31
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Philadelphia Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 28 February-5 April 1970
Saint Louis, City Art Museum of Saint Louis, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 20 December 1969-1 February 1970
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 14 October-1 December 1969
London, Hayward Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation Amsterdam, 23 October 1968-12 January 1969, no. 114
Arles, Musée Réattu, Vincent van Gogh, 20 May-18 June 1961
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 3 ages, leeftijden, alter, 30 June-19 September 1960
Utrecht, Centraal Museum, Vincent van Gogh schilderijen en tekeningen, verzameling Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 18 December 1959-1 February 1960, no. 35
Aix-en-Provence, Pavillon de Vendôme, Vincent van Gogh en Provence, 3 October-30 November 1959, no. 8
Seattle, Seattle Art Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 7 March-19 April 1959, no. 44
Portland (Oregon), Portland Art Museum (Oregon), Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 28 January-1 March 1959, no. 44
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 10 December 1958-18 January 1959, no. 44
San Francisco, M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, 6 October-30 November 1958, no. 44
Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne, L'Art Hollandais depuis Van Gogh, 6 March-20 April 1958, no. 45
Marseille, Musée Cantini, Vincent van Gogh, 12 March-28 April 1957, no. 47
Fries Museum, Vincent van Gogh uit de collectie Ir. V.W. van Gogh, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 14 April-13 May 1956
Newcastle upon Tyne, Laing Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings & Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 11 February-24 March 1956, no. 41
Manchester (England), Manchester City Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings & Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 17 December 1955-4 February 1956, no. 41
Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings & Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 29 October-10 December 1955, no. 41
Antwerp, Feestzaal Antwerpen, Vincent van Gogh, 7 May-19 June 1955, no. 249
Bern, Kunstmuseum (Bern), Vincent van Gogh, 27 November 1954-30 January 1955, no. 41
Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich, Vincent van Gogh, 9 October-21 November 1954, no. 39
Eindhoven, Van Abbemuseum, Vincent van Gogh, 22 March-4 May 1952
Enschede, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Vincent van Gogh, 20 February-16 March 1952
Arles, Musée Réattu, Vincent van Gogh en Provence, 5-27 May 1951
Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble, Vincent van Gogh, 30 March-2 May 1951
Lyon, Musée de Lyon, Vincent van Gogh, 5 February-27 March 1951, no. 34
Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition, 1 February-16 April 1950, no. 72
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition, 21 October 1949-15 January 1950
The Hague, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Vincent van Gogh. Collectie ir. V.W. van Gogh, 12 October 1948-10 January 1949
Oslo, Kunstnernes Hus, Vincent van Gogh, 24 April-15 May 1948, no. 29
Bergen (Norway), Kunstforening, Vincent van Gogh, 23 March-18 April 1948, no. 29
Glasgow, City Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890. An Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings, 21 February-14 March 1948
Birmingham (England), City Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890. An Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings, 24 January-14 February 1948
London, Tate Gallery, Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890. An Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings, 10 December 1947-14 January 1948
Groningen, Museum van Oudheden, Vincent van Gogh, 18 October-16 November 1947
Geneva, Musée Rath, 172 oeuvres de Vincent van Gogh (1852-1890), 22 March-20 April 1947, no. 104
Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh, 24 January-15 March 1947
Mons, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 27 December 1946-January 1947, no. 103
Brussels, Paleis voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 9 November-19 December 1946, no. 103
Luik, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 12 October-3 November 1946, no. 103
Copenhagen, Charlottenborg, Vincent van Gogh. Udstilling af malerier og tegninger, 22 June-14 July 1946
Malmö, Malmö Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 29 May-16 June 1946, no. 50
Gothenburg, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 3-26 May 1946, no. 50
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum (Stockholm), Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 8 March-28 April 1946, no. 50
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh, 14 September-1 December 1945, no. zonder nr.
Manchester (England), Manchester City Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Loan Collection of Paintings & Drawings, 13 October-27 November 1932, no. 21
Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, 21 Gemälde von Vincent van Gogh, 10 June 1932-1932
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh en zijn tijdgenooten, 6 September-2 November 1930, no. 43
London, Leicester Galleries, Vincent van Gogh, June 1930
Utrecht, Vereeniging Voor de Kunst, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen door Vincent van Gogh, 1 May-5 June 1929
Leipzig, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz, 24 February-31 March 1929
Munich, Graphisches Kabinett (München), Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz, 22 November-24 December 1928, no. 23
Hannover, Kestner-Gesellschaft, Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz, 3 October-11 November 1928
London, Leicester Galleries, Vincent van Gogh Exhibition, 26 November 1926-6 January 1927, no. 16
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling van Nederlandsche Beeldende Kunsten, Regeeringsjubileum 1898-1923, September-14 October 1923, no. 120
Cologne, Kölner Kunstverein, V. van Gogh, July-August 1914
Mons, Le Bon Vouloir, XIXe Salon, 20 June-12 July 1914
The Hague, Gebouw Lange Voorhout 1, Werken van Vincent van Gogh, 4 July-1 September 1913
Amsterdam, Larensche Kunsthandel, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen en teekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 16 June-14 August 1911
Dublin, United Arts Club, Exhibition of Works by Post-Impressionist Painters, 25 January-14 February 1911, no. 9
London, Grafton Galleries, Manet and the Post-Impressionists, 8 November 1910-15 January 1911
Rotterdam, Rotterdamsche Kunstkring, Vincent van Gogh. Werken uit fransche tijd, 11 June-10 July 1910
Berlin, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer, [titel onbekend], October 1908
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 15 July-1 September 1905, no. 127
Hendriks, Ella, Jan Cornelis Traas, paintings restorer of the Van Gogh family collection, p. 172-173
Tas, Sara, Fattal, Simone, Etel Adnan / Vincent Van Gogh : colour as language = Etel Adnan / Vincent Van Gogh : kleur als taal, Amsterdam, 2022, p. 19
Fellinger, Markus, Becker, Edwin, Smit, Lisa, Suijver, Renske, Auer, Stephanie, Bisanz-Prakken, Marian, Klimt : inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 86, 89, 240
Fossi, Gloria, De Marco, Danilo, Dondero, Mario, In search of Van Gogh : capturing the life of the artist through photographs and paintings, New York, 2021, p. 144-146
Geldof, Muriel, Werf, Inez Dorothé van der, Haswell, Ralph, The examination of Van Gogh’s chrome yellow pigments in ‘Field with Irises near Arles’ using quantitative SEM–WDX, [unpaged]
Hartog Jager, Hans den, Hockney - Van Gogh : the joy of nature, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 104, 166
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 95
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Meesterwerken in het Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 95
Bakker, Nienke, Hendriks, Ella, Van Gogh and the Sunflowers : a masterpiece examined, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 23
Bakker, Nienke, Hendriks, Ella, Van Gogh en de Zonnebloemen : een meesterwerk onderzocht, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 23
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Koeckhoven, Pim, Wat waren Van Gogh's oorspronkelijke kleuren?, p. 8-13
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Ligterink, Frank, Delaney, John K., Hendriks, Ella, Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 1 : varnish, p. 150-157
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Ligterink, Frank, Delaney, John K., Hendriks, Ella, Geldof, Muriel, Janssens, Koen, Proano Gaibor, Art Néss, Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 2 : pigment concentration maps, p. 158-176
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Ligterink, Frank, Geldof, Muriel, Megens, Luc, Meedendorp, Teio, Pilz, Kathrin, Hendriks, Ella, Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 3 : determining the original colors, p. 311-327
Tilborgh, Louis van, Bakker, Nienke, Homburg, Cornelia, Kodera, Tsukasa, Uhlenbeck, Chris, Guitton, Claire, Van Gogh & Japan, Brussel, 2018, p. 58, 62, 65, 69, 103, 105, 191
Thomson, Belinda, Van Gogh paintings : the masterpieces, London, 2018, p. 95, 189
Geldof, Muriel, Echte verf voor een digitale Van Gogh : Paarser ! Geler! Roder!, p. 4-7
Bailey, Martin, Studio of the south : Van Gogh in Provence, London, 2016, p. 89-90, 208
Heugten, Sjraar van, Van Gogh in Provence : modernizing tradition, Arles, 2016, p. 79, 86-87, 138
Thomson, Belinda, Van Gogh schilder : de meesterwerken, Amsterdam, 2016, p. 95, 189
Kendall, Richard, Heugten, Sjraar van, Stolwijk, Chris, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, 2015, p. 138, 140
Overvelde, Berry, Vincent verliest kleur, p. 38-43
Vellekoop, Marije, Hendriks, Ella, Jansen, Leo, Meedendorp, Teio, Bakker, Nienke, Dijk, Maite van, Van Gogh's studio practice, Amsterdam, 2013, p. 239-240, 272
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : the years in France : complete paintings 1886-1890 : dealers, collectors, exhibitions, provenance, London, 2013, p. 145
Coutagne, Denis, Le midi de Van Gogh, Marseille, [s.a.], p. 21
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : de près, New Haven, 2012, p. 2-3, 14, 18, 58, 168, 226, 255, 262, 268
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : up close, New Haven, 2012, p. 2-4, 6, 14, 18, 58, 168, 170, 226, 255, 262, 268
Weisberg, Gabriel P., Veen, Wouter van der, Heugten, Sjraar van, Van Gogh rêves de Japon, Paris, 2012, p. 47
Jansen, Leo, Suijver, Renske, Blokland, Ann, Vincent, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 150-153
Gruetzner Robins, Anna, 'Manet and the Post-Impressionists': a checklist of exhibits, p. 789
Bakker, Nienke, Jansen, Leo, Luijten, Hans, The real van Gogh : the artist and his letters, Londen, 2010, p. 164, 167
Bailey, Martin, The Van Goghs at the Grafton Galleries, p. 796
Helvey, J., Irises : Vincent van Gogh in the garden, Los Angeles, 2009, p. 44-45
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : Die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : Die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 143
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 143
Blotkamp, Carel, Vincent van Gogh between earth and heaven : the landscapes, Ostfildern, 2009, p. 45, 189, 202-203, 304
Blotkamp, Carel, Vincent van Gogh entre terre et ciel : les paysages, Ostfildern, 2009, p. 45, 189, 202-203, 304
Blotkamp, Carel, Vincent van Gogh zwischen Erde und Himmel : die Landschaften, Ostfildern, 2009, p. 45, 189, 202-203, 304
Schröder, Klaus Albrecht, Widauer, Heinz, Heugten, Sjraar van, Vellekoop, Marije, Leeman, Fred, Bailey, Martin, Van Gogh : gezeichnete Bilder, Köln, 2008, p. 312-313
Schröder, Klaus Albrecht, Widauer, Heinz, Heugten, Sjraar van, Vellekoop, Marije, Leeman, Fred, Bailey, Martin, Meedendorp, Teio, Van Gogh : heartfelt lines, Köln, 2008, p. 312-313
Hendriks, Ella, Johnson jr., C. Richard, Loeff, Luuk van der, First international workshop on image processing for artist identification, Amsterdam, 2007, p. 33, 63
Coyle, Laura, The Still-life paintings of Vincent van Gogh and their context, Ann Arbor, 2007, p. 389, 564
Bailey, Martin, Fowle, F., Van Gogh and Britain : pioneer collectors, Edinburgh, 2006, p. 30
Lloyd, Jill, Rüger, Axel, Vincent van Gogh en het expressionisme, Zwolle, 2006, p. 31, 35, 151
Hansen, Dorothee, Nichols, L.W., Sund, Judy Ellen, Van Gogh : fields, Toledo, 2002, p. 56-57
Mori, G., Van Gogh : il Giappone come utopia, p. 28
Gessel, H. van, Kiers, Judikje, Noortwijk, Liesbeth van, Langs velden en wegen in Nederland en Europa, p. 11
Heteren, Marjan van, Loos, Wiepke, Rijdt, R.J. te, Langs velden en wegen : de verbeelding van het landschap in de 18de en 19de eeuw, Blaricum, 1997
Leighton, John, Vincent van Gogh and his time. Four seasons from the Van Gogh Museum and the H.W. Mesdag Museum, Tokyo, 1997, p. 52-53
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 316, 321
Leeuw, Ronald de, Van Gogh Museum : schilderijen en pastels, Zwolle, 1993, p. 183
Kodera, Tsukasa, Leeuw, Ronald de, Vincent van Gogh and Japan, Kyoto, 1992, p. 90-91
Frezzotti, Stefanie, Heugten, Sjraar van, Pagnotta, Francesca, Vincent van Gogh, Milaan; Rome, 1988, [unpaged]
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 340
Stein, Susan Alyson, Van Gogh : a retrospective, New York, 1986, p. 138
Pickvance, Ronald, Van Gogh in Arles, New York, cop. 1984, p. 73
Hulsker, Jan, The complete works of Vincent van Gogh, Tokyo, 1978, vol. 2, pl. 142
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 192-193, 627
Vincent van Gogh : peintures et dessins de l'époque d'Arles février 1888 - mai 1889, Arles, 1961, p. 13
Hendriks, Ella, Jan Cornelis Traas, paintings restorer of the Van Gogh family collection, p. 172-173
Tas, Sara, Fattal, Simone, Etel Adnan / Vincent Van Gogh : colour as language = Etel Adnan / Vincent Van Gogh : kleur als taal, Amsterdam, 2022, p. 19
Fellinger, Markus, Becker, Edwin, Smit, Lisa, Suijver, Renske, Auer, Stephanie, Bisanz-Prakken, Marian, Klimt : inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 86, 89, 240
Fossi, Gloria, De Marco, Danilo, Dondero, Mario, In search of Van Gogh : capturing the life of the artist through photographs and paintings, New York, 2021, p. 144-146
Geldof, Muriel, Werf, Inez Dorothé van der, Haswell, Ralph, The examination of Van Gogh’s chrome yellow pigments in ‘Field with Irises near Arles’ using quantitative SEM–WDX, [unpaged]
Hartog Jager, Hans den, Hockney - Van Gogh : the joy of nature, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 104, 166
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 95
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Meesterwerken in het Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 95
Bakker, Nienke, Hendriks, Ella, Van Gogh and the Sunflowers : a masterpiece examined, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 23
Bakker, Nienke, Hendriks, Ella, Van Gogh en de Zonnebloemen : een meesterwerk onderzocht, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 23
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Koeckhoven, Pim, Wat waren Van Gogh's oorspronkelijke kleuren?, p. 8-13
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Ligterink, Frank, Delaney, John K., Hendriks, Ella, Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 1 : varnish, p. 150-157
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Ligterink, Frank, Delaney, John K., Hendriks, Ella, Geldof, Muriel, Janssens, Koen, Proano Gaibor, Art Néss, Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 2 : pigment concentration maps, p. 158-176
Kirchner, Eric, Lans, Ivo van der, Ligterink, Frank, Geldof, Muriel, Megens, Luc, Meedendorp, Teio, Pilz, Kathrin, Hendriks, Ella, Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 3 : determining the original colors, p. 311-327
Tilborgh, Louis van, Bakker, Nienke, Homburg, Cornelia, Kodera, Tsukasa, Uhlenbeck, Chris, Guitton, Claire, Van Gogh & Japan, Brussel, 2018, p. 58, 62, 65, 69, 103, 105, 191
Thomson, Belinda, Van Gogh paintings : the masterpieces, London, 2018, p. 95, 189
Geldof, Muriel, Echte verf voor een digitale Van Gogh : Paarser ! Geler! Roder!, p. 4-7
Bailey, Martin, Studio of the south : Van Gogh in Provence, London, 2016, p. 89-90, 208
Heugten, Sjraar van, Van Gogh in Provence : modernizing tradition, Arles, 2016, p. 79, 86-87, 138
Thomson, Belinda, Van Gogh schilder : de meesterwerken, Amsterdam, 2016, p. 95, 189
Kendall, Richard, Heugten, Sjraar van, Stolwijk, Chris, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, 2015, p. 138, 140
Overvelde, Berry, Vincent verliest kleur, p. 38-43
Vellekoop, Marije, Hendriks, Ella, Jansen, Leo, Meedendorp, Teio, Bakker, Nienke, Dijk, Maite van, Van Gogh's studio practice, Amsterdam, 2013, p. 239-240, 272
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : the years in France : complete paintings 1886-1890 : dealers, collectors, exhibitions, provenance, London, 2013, p. 145
Coutagne, Denis, Le midi de Van Gogh, Marseille, [s.a.], p. 21
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : de près, New Haven, 2012, p. 2-3, 14, 18, 58, 168, 226, 255, 262, 268
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