The Hill of Montmartre with Stone Quarry
Currently on view
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Paris, June-July 1886
oil on canvas, 56.3 cm x 62.6 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
The Paris district of Montmartre is well known for the artists who live and work there. That was already true in Van Gogh's day. But the hill of Montmartre then had buildings only on one side. Here, Van Gogh painted the other side. You can see quarries and a view of the mills, which had already been absorbed into the built-up part of the district. In the foreground is a pile of wood; behind it are blocks of stone.
Van Gogh was not the only artist to paint this picturesque place. He hoped that if he depicted a familiar scene, his painting would sell well. Unfortunately, it did not work out that way.
- F-number
- F0230
- JH-number
- JH1177
- Object number
- s0012V1962
- Dimensions
- 56.3 cm x 62.6 cm, 73.7 cm x 80.3 cm, 10.2 cm
- Provenance
- Left by the artist at the apartment of his brother Theo van Gogh, Paris, sometime between June and mid-July 1886; after his death on 25 January 1891, inherited by his widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, and their son, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Paris; administered until her death on 2 September 1925 by Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Bussum/Amsterdam/Laren; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh, Laren to the Mesdag Museum, The Hague, 1926; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, since 16 December 1930; transferred by Vincent Willem van Gogh, to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam, 10 July 1962; agreement concluded between the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the State of the Netherlands, in which the preservation and management of the collection, and its placing in the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, to be realized in Amsterdam, is entrusted to the State, 21 July 1962; given on loan until the opening of the museum on 2 June 1973 to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Paris, Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Les Hollandais à Paris. 1789-1914. Van Gogh-Van Dongen-Mondrian, 6 February-13 May 2018
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Nederlanders in Parijs 1789-1914. Van Spaendonck, Jongkind, Van Gogh , Van Dongen, Mondriaan, 13 October 2017-7 January 2018
Frankfurt am Main, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Esprit Montmartre. Die Bohème in Paris um 1900, 7 February-1 June 2014, no. zonder nr.
Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Paris. New perspectives, 15 July-23 September 2013
Sendai, Miyagi Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Paris. New perspectives, 26 May-8 July 2013
Kyoto, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Van Gogh in Paris. New perspectives, 30 March-19 May 2013
Seoul, Seoul Arts Center, Van Gogh in Paris. A dialogue with modernism, 4 November 2012-24 March 2013
Nagasaki, Huis ten Bosch (Japan), Van Gogh in Paris: New perspectives, 29 July-28 October 2012
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh in Antwerpen en Parijs: nieuwe inzichten, 22 June-18 September 2011
Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia, Turner e gli impressionisti: La grande storia paesaggio moderno in Europa, 28 October 2006-25 March 2007, no. 162
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Van Gogh te gast in het Rijksmuseum. Meesterwerken van het Van Gogh Museum, 19 September 1998-2 May 1999
Tokyo, Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh and his time. Landscapes from the Van Gogh Museum and the H.W. Mesdag Museum, 14 September-13 November 1995, no. 3
Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich, Landschaft im Licht. Impressionistische Malerei in Europa und Nordamerika 1860-1910, 3 August-21 October 1990, no. 63
Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Landschaft im Licht. Impressionistische Malerei in Europa und Nordamerika 1860-1910, 6 April-1 July 1990, no. 63
Paris, Musée d'Orsay, Van Gogh à Paris, 2 February-15 May 1988, no. 8
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Post-Impressionism. Cross-Currents in European and American Painting 1880-1906, 25 May-1 September 1980, no. 65
London, Royal Academy of Arts, Post-Impressionism. Cross-Currents in European Painting, 17 November 1979-16 March 1980, no. 94
Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam, 21 December 1971-10 April 1972, no. 16
London, Hayward Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation Amsterdam, 23 October 1968-12 January 1969, no. 68
Wolfsburg, Stadthalle Wolfsburg, Vincent van Gogh. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, 18 February-2 April 1967, no. 25
New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 2 April-28 June 1964, no. 16
Washington, Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 2 February-19 March 1964, no. 16
Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Vincent van Gogh. Malerier og tegninger, 24 October-15 December 1963, no. 16
Kansas City, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 7 February-26 March 1963, no. 20
Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 11 December 1962-29 January 1963, no. 20
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Carnegie Institute, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 18 October-4 November 1962, no. 20
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 22 March-29 April 1962, no. 20
Buffalo (New York), Albright Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 30 January-11 March 1962, no. 20
Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 5 December 1961-14 January 1962, no. 20
Baltimore, Baltimore Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 18 October-26 November 1961, no. 20
Paris, Musée Carnavalet, Paris vu par les maîtres de Corot à Utrillo, March-May 1961, no. 117
Cuesmes, Ecoles Communales, Exposition Vincent van Gogh. Oeuvres originales et la collection complète des reproductions d'oeuvres de Vincent, 1 January-20 October 1960, no. 5
Utrecht, Centraal Museum, Vincent van Gogh schilderijen en tekeningen, verzameling Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 18 December 1959-1 February 1960, no. 18
Mons, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Son art et ses amis, 22 March-5 May 1958, no. 16
Deventer, De Muntentoren, Schilderijen van Vincent van Gogh, 31 January-20 February 1958, no. 15
Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Vincent van Gogh, 21 December 1957-27 January 1958, no. 19
Leiden, Museum De Lakenhal, Vincent van Gogh, 9 November-16 December 1957, no. 19
Marseille, Musée Cantini, Vincent van Gogh, 12 March-28 April 1957, no. 28
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh, 24 June-September 1955, no. 90
Antwerp, Feestzaal Antwerpen, Vincent van Gogh, 7 May-19 June 1955, no. 179
Middelburg, Kunstmuseum Middelburg, Van Gogh-tentoonstelling, 9 April-1 May 1949, no. 10
Groningen, Museum van Oudheden, Vincent van Gogh, 18 October-16 November 1947, no. 26
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh. Werken uit de verzameling van Ir. V.W. van Gogh, in bruikleen afgestaan aan de Gemeente Amsterdam, 14 February 1931-1931, no. 23
London, Leicester Galleries, Vincent van Gogh, June 1930, no. 3
Amersfoort, Gebouw van de Stichting "de Armen de Poth", Schilderijen van Vincent van Gogh, 22 February-9 March 1930
Utrecht, Vereeniging Voor de Kunst, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen door Vincent van Gogh, 1 May-5 June 1929, no. 9
Leipzig, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz, 24 February-31 March 1929
Munich, Graphisches Kabinett (München), Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz, 22 November-24 December 1928, no. 2
Hannover, Kestner-Gesellschaft, Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz, 3 October-11 November 1928
Vienna, Neue Galerie, Vincent van Gogh. Gemälde, 5 May-17 June 1928, no. 10
Frankfurt am Main, Galerie M. Goldschmidt, Vincent van Gogh. Gemälde, 15 March-15 April 1928, no. 10
Berlin, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer, Vincent van Gogh. Gemälde, 15 January-1 March 1928, no. 13
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van het internationale jeugdfeest der S.J.I., 15 May-15 June 1926, no. 31
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling van Nederlandsche Beeldende Kunsten, Regeeringsjubileum 1898-1923, September-14 October 1923, no. 119
Venice, Palazzo dell'Esposizione, XIIa esposizione internazionale d'arte della città di Venezia, 15 April-31 October 1920, no. 25 [?]
Breslau, Galerie Ernst Arnold, Ausstellung Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890, February 1912, no. 40
Dresden, Galerie Ernst Arnold, Ausstellung Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890, February 1912, no. 40
Bremen, Kunsthalle Bremen, Zonder titel, 6 December 1911-8 January 1912
Hamburg, Galerie Commeter, [Vincent van Gogh], 11 October 1911-January 1912
Amsterdam, Larensche Kunsthandel, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen en teekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 16 June-14 August 1911, no. 17
Leiden, Het Leidsche Volkshuis, Schilderijen en tekeningen van Van Gogh, 14-18 November 1910
Chemnitz, Kunstsalon Gerstenberger, Vincent van Gogh, April 1910
Dresden, Galerie Ernst Arnold, Vincent van Gogh, February-March 1910
Frankfurt am Main, Woning Herr Carl Marcus (directeur Frankfurter Kunstverein), Vincent van Gogh, January 1910
Munich, Moderne Kunsthandlung Brakl & Thannhauser, Vincent van Gogh, October-December 1909, no. 5
Berlin, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer, [titel onbekend], October 1908
Amsterdam, Kunsthandel C.M. van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh tentoonstelling, 3-24 September 1908, no. 7
Zurich, Kunsthaus Zürich, Vincent van Gogh, Cuno Amiet, Hans Emmenegger, Giovanni Giacometti, 10-26 July 1908, no. 7
Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurter Kunstverein, V. van Gogh Ausstellung, 14-28 June 1908, no. 15
Dresden, Kunsthandlung Emil Richter, Vincent van Gogh/Paul Cézanne, April-May 1908, no. 12
Munich, Moderne Kunsthandlung, Vincent van Gogh, March-April 1908, no. 12
Paris, Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Cent tableaux de Vincent van Gogh, 6 January-1 February 1908, no. 7
The Hague, Kunsthandel C.M. van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh tentoonstelling, Summer 1908
Middelburg, Sociëteit Sint Joris, Tentoonstelling van werken van Vincent van Gogh (verzameling mevr. Cohen Gosschalk), 25 March-1 April 1906
Rotterdam, Kunstzalen Oldenzeel, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 26 January-28 February 1906, no. 18
Leiden, Leidsche Kunstvereeniging, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen door Vincent van Gogh, 7-16 October 1905, no. 18
Utrecht, Vereeniging Voor de Kunst, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen door Vincent van Gogh, 9 September-2 October 1905, no. 18
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 15 July-1 September 1905, no. 59
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Sirigatti, Cristina, Vincent van Gogh : het complete geschilderde werk, Noordwijkerhout, 2018, p. 38, 42
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Hendriks, Ella, Tilborgh, Louis van, Eikema Hommes, M. van, Geldof, Muriel, Hageman, Monique, Van Gogh in Paris : a dialogue with Modernism, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 64-65
Hendriks, Ella, Tilborgh, Louis van, Eikema Hommes, M. van, Geldof, Muriel, Hageman, Monique, Van Gogh in Paris : new perspectives, Amsterdam, 2012, p. 40
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Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 74
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Blotkamp, Carel, Vincent van Gogh entre terre et ciel : les paysages, Ostfildern, 2009, p. 18, 21
Blotkamp, Carel, Vincent van Gogh zwischen Erde und Himmel : die Landschaften, Ostfildern, 2009, p. 18, 21
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Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 254, 259
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Leeuw, Ronald de, Van Gogh Museum : schilderijen en pastels, Zwolle, 1993, p. 134-135
Sund, Judy Ellen, True to temperament : Van Gogh and french naturalist literature, Cambridge, 1992, p. 156-157
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Hulsker, Jan, The complete works of Vincent van Gogh, Tokyo, 1978, vol. 1, pl. 92
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Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Vincent van Gogh : Gemälde, Berlin, 1928, vol. 1, p. 69, vol. 2, pl. LXIII
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