As partners in mobility, Hyundai and the Van Gogh Museum are dedicated to making the museum more accessible. In July and August, elderly people commonly receive less visitors: their families are often on holiday, and the clubs and societies to which they belong usually close for the summer.
With this in mind, Hyundai and the Van Gogh Museum organized the third edition of the Connection Day on 25 July 2022. On this special day, elderly people – who often have difficulty experiencing art independently – are brought into contact with the life and work of Vincent van Gogh.
Connection Day
The Van Gogh Museum and Hyundai aspire to positively impact the well-being of elderly people, by inspiring them with the life and work of Vincent van Gogh.
In light of restrictions linked to the coronavirus pandemic, the Van Gogh workshops as part of the last two editions of the Connection Day were held on location at the care institutions. For this edition, residents from care organization Cordaan travelled to and from the Van Gogh Museum in fully electric Hyundai cars.