Peach Tree in Blossom
Currently on view
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Arles, April 1888
oil on canvas, 50 cm x 37.5 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
The tree Van Gogh painted was just a frail little sapling. But filling the whole length and breadth of the canvas with it gives it something majestic. Van Gogh learned this technique of isolating, enlarging and foregrounding a single element of a landscape from Japanese woodcuts. He admired Japanese prints enormously and constantly tried to equal them in his paintings.
It was the height of spring. Van Gogh said that he had six paintings of ‘blossoming fruit trees’ on the go. He hoped paintings of this appealing subject would sell well.
- F-number
- F0557
- JH-number
- JH1397
- Object number
- s0035V1962
- Dimensions
- 50 cm x 37.5 cm, 67 cm x 55 cm, 7.5 cm
- Provenance
- Sent by the artist from Arles to his brother Theo van Gogh, Paris, at the beginning of May 1888; after his death on 25 January 1891, inherited by his widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, and their son, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Paris; administered until her death on 2 September 1925 by Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Bussum/Amsterdam/Laren; transferred by Vincent Willem van Gogh, Laren, on 10 July 1962 to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam; agreement concluded between the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the State of the Netherlands, in which the preservation and management of the collection, and its placing in the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, to be realized in Amsterdam, is entrusted to the State, 21 July 1962; given on loan until the opening of the museum on 2 June 1973 to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 March-24 June 2018, no. zonder nr.
Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto), Van Gogh & Japan, 20 January-4 March 2018, no. zonder nr.
Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Van Gogh & Japan, 24 October 2017-8 January 2018, no. zonder nr.
Sapporo, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Van Gogh & Japan, 26 August-15 October 2017, no. zonder nr.
Helsinki, Ateneum Art Museum, Japanomania pohjoismaisessa taiteessa 1875-1918, 18 February-15 May 2016, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Schiphol, Vincent van Gogh: de natuur van dichtbij / Vincent van Gogh: nature close-up, 9 April-7 July 2008, no. zonder nr.
Seoul, Seoul Museum of Art, Van Gogh. Voyage into the myth, 24 November 2007-16 March 2008, no. zonder nr.
Krems an der Donau, Kunsthalle Krems, Japan. Meiji-Kunst der Sammlung Khalili und Japonismus von Van Gogh bis Schiele, 25 February-3 June 2007, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Van Goghs parkgezicht en andere werken uit de Noro Foundation, 28 October 2005-8 January 2006, no. zonder nr.
Treviso, Casa dei Carraresi, L'oro e l'azzurro. I colori del Sud da Cézanne a Bonnard, 11 October 2003-7 March 2004, no. 18
Kōbe, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Vincent & Theo van Gogh, 7 September-4 November 2002, no. 30
Sapporo, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Vincent & Theo van Gogh, 5 July-25 August 2002, no. 30
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 17 January-16 May 1999, no. 44
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 4 October 1998-3 January 1999, no. 44
Munich, Museum Villa Stuck, Rainer Maria Rilke und die bildende Kunst seiner Zeit, 6 February-6 April 1997, no. 65
Neuss, Clemens-Sels-Museum, Rainer Maria Rilke und die bildende Kunst seiner Zeit, 27 October 1996-12 January 1997, no. 65
Tokyo, Setagaya Art Museum, Vincent van Gogh and Japan, 4 April-24 May 1992, no. 16
Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art (Kyoto), Vincent van Gogh and Japan, 18 February-29 March 1992, no. 16
Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam, 21 December 1971-10 April 1972, no. 78
Flushing (place), Stadhuis Vlissingen, Schilderijen uit het Stedelijk Museum te Amsterdam, 4 April-26 October 1969, no. 10
Recklinghausen, Städtische Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Zauber des Lichtes, 7 June-30 July 1967, no. 73
Stockholm, Moderna Museet, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam besöker Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 26 December 1961-28 January 1962, no. 44
Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Stedelijk Museum besoger Louisiana, 28 October-3 December 1961, no. 80
Antwerp, Feestzaal Antwerpen, Vincent van Gogh, 7 May-19 June 1955, no. 247
Lyon, Musée de Lyon, Les grands courants de la peinture contemporaine, 16 June-26 September 1949, no. 126
Middelburg, Kunstmuseum Middelburg, Van Gogh-tentoonstelling, 9 April-1 May 1949, no. 22
The Hague, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Vincent van Gogh. Collectie ir. V.W. van Gogh, 12 October 1948-10 January 1949, no. 120
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh en zijn Nederlandse tijdgenoten, 25 June-30 September 1948, no. zonder nr.
Copenhagen, Charlottenborg, Vincent van Gogh. Udstilling af malerier og tegninger, 22 June-14 July 1946, no. 50
Malmö, Malmö Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 29 May-16 June 1946, no. 46
Gothenburg, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 3-26 May 1946, no. 46
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum (Stockholm), Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 8 March-28 April 1946, no. 46
Heerlen, Raadhuis Heerlen, Vincent van Gogh, 8-24 February 1946, no. 67
Maastricht, Bonnefantenmuseum, Vincent van Gogh, 12-28 January 1946, no. 67
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh, 14 September-1 December 1945, no. zonder nr.
Batavia, Museum van den Bataviaschen Kunstkring, Tweede collectie Regnault, 22 January-September 1936, no. 14
London, Leicester Galleries, Vincent van Gogh, June 1930, no. 25
Bussum, Volksuniversiteit Naarden-Bussum, De Nederlandsche schilderkunst der laatste halve eeuw, April 1929, no. 30
The Hague, Gebouw Lange Voorhout 1, Werken van Vincent van Gogh, 4 July-1 September 1913, no. 98
Amsterdam, Larensche Kunsthandel, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen en teekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 16 June-14 August 1911, no. 31
Rotterdam, Rotterdamsche Kunstkring, Vincent van Gogh. Werken uit fransche tijd, 11 June-10 July 1910, no. 18
Utrecht, Vereeniging Voor de Kunst, Tentoonstelling van schilderijen door Vincent van Gogh, 9 September-2 October 1905, no. 31
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 15 July-1 September 1905, no. 98
Groningen, Museum van Oudheden, Vincent van Gogh, 21-26 February 1896, no. 15
Luijten, Hans, Richards, L., Jo van Gogh-Bonger : The woman who made Vincent famous, London, 2023, pp. 102, 150
Dirven, Ron, November, Hans, Ruud van Empel : inventing Van Gogh, Zundert, 2021, p. 36
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 86
Darley, Esther, Suijver, Renske, Meesterwerken in het Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2019, p. 86
Uhlenbeck, Chris, Tilborgh, Louis van, Oikawa, Shigeru, Japanese prints : The collection of Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 2018, p. 18-19, 25
Uhlenbeck, Chris, Tilborgh, Louis van, Oikawa, Shigeru, Japanse prenten : De collectie van Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 2018, p. 18-19, 25
Tilborgh, Louis van, Bakker, Nienke, Homburg, Cornelia, Kodera, Tsukasa, Uhlenbeck, Chris, Guitton, Claire, Van Gogh & Japan, Brussel, 2018, p. 63-65, 116, 191
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : the years in France : complete paintings 1886-1890 : dealers, collectors, exhibitions, provenance, London, 2013, p. 142
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : de près, New Haven, 2012, p. 87, 260, 279
Homburg, Cornelia, Kienle, Anabelle, Rishel, Joseph .J., Thompson, J.A., Balaram, R., Paulson, N.C., Pohlmann, Ulrich, Van Gogh : up close, New Haven, 2012, p. 86, 260, 279
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : Die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : Die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 140
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, Jr., Vincent van Gogh : die Gemälde 1886-1890 : Händler, Sammler, Ausstellungen : die Frühen Provenienzen, Wädenswil, 2009, p. 140
Leeman, Fred, Impressions of Provence : Van Gogh looking for the Typical, p. 133, 139, 259
Cendo, N., Cogeval, Guy, Vial, M.P., Right under the sun : landscape in Provence from classicism to modernism (1750-1920), Heue, 2005, p. 133, 139, 259
Goldin, Marco, L' Oro e l'Azzurro : I colori del Sud da Cézanne a Bonnard, 2003
Andriesse, P., Some trees, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 27, 49
Hulsker, Jan, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 313-317
Kodera, Tsukasa, Leeuw, Ronald de, Vincent van Gogh and Japan, Kyoto, 1992, p. 88-89
Heijbroek, J.F., Henkels, Herbert, Het Rijksmuseum voor moderne kunst van Willem Steenhoff : werkelijkheid of utopie?, p. 207
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 339
Turnbull, A., Vincent van Gogh : one week of paintings : April 9th - 15th 1888, [S.l., 1978], p. 27
Faille, Jacob Baart de la, Gelder, Jan Gerrit van, Hammacher, A.M., The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, p. 235, 633
Grochowiak, T., Zauber des Lichtes, Recklinghausen, 1967, p. 15