Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), Nuenen, July-September 1885
chalk on paper, 44.6 cm x 56.3 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
- F-number
- F1316
- JH-number
- JH0858
- Object number
- d0419V1962
- Dimensions
- 44.6 cm x 56.3 cm
- Provenance
- With his brother Theo van Gogh, Paris, after September 1885; after his death on 25 January 1891, inherited by his widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, and their son, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Paris; administered until her death on 2 September 1925 by Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Bussum/Amsterdam/Laren; given on loan by Vincent Willem van Gogh, Laren to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, since 22 October 1931; transferred by Vincent Willem van Gogh on 10 July 1962 to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam; agreement concluded between the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the State of the Netherlands, in which the preservation and management of the collection, and its placing in the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, to be realized in Amsterdam, is entrusted to the State, 21 July 1962; given on loan until the opening of the museum on 2 June 1973 to the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh from 2 June 1973 and at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, since 1 July 1994.
- artist
- Vincent van Gogh
- Credits (obliged to state)
- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Van Gogh and the Seasons, 28 April-12 July 2017
Paris, Musée d'Orsay, Millet - Van Gogh, 14 September 1998-10 January 1999
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, Vincent van Gogh tekeningen. Nuenen 1883-1885, 20 June-12 October 1997, no. 184
Otterlo, Kröller-Müller Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Tekeningen, 30 March-29 July 1990, no. 109
Paris, Grand Palais, Vincent van Gogh, 4 November-3 December 1977, no. zonder nr.
London, Hayward Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation Amsterdam, 23 October 1968-12 January 1969, no. 47
Kansas City, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 7 February-26 March 1963, no. 104
Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 11 December 1962-29 January 1963, no. 104
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Carnegie Institute, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 18 October-4 November 1962, no. 104
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 22 March-29 April 1962, no. 104
Buffalo (New York), Albright Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 30 January-11 March 1962, no. 104
Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 5 December 1961-14 January 1962, no. 104
Baltimore, Baltimore Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, 18 October-26 November 1961, no. 104
Mons, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Son art et ses amis, 22 March-5 May 1958, no. 59
Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Vincent van Gogh, 21 December 1957-27 January 1958, no. 58
Leiden, Museum De Lakenhal, Vincent van Gogh, 9 November-16 December 1957, no. 58
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh, 24 June-September 1955, no. 43
Antwerp, Feestzaal Antwerpen, Vincent van Gogh, 7 May-19 June 1955, no. 86
Bern, Kunstmuseum (Bern), Vincent van Gogh, 27 November 1954-30 January 1955, no. 115
Gouda, Stedelijk Museum het Catharina Gasthuis, Tekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 13 April-29 May 1949
Hengelo, Openbare Leeszaal, Tekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 29 January-17 February 1949
The Hague, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Vincent van Gogh. Collectie ir. V.W. van Gogh, 12 October 1948-10 January 1949, no. 214
Hilversum, Goois Museum, Tekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 20 March-17 April 1948
Rotterdam, Museum Boymans, Vincent van Gogh. Tekeningen uit de verzameling van Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 28 June-August 1947, no. 53
Groningen, Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura, Tentoonstelling van tekeningen en aquarellen van Vincent van Gogh uit de collectie van Ir. V.W. van Gogh, 25 May-15 June 1947, no. 39
Geneva, Musée Rath, 172 oeuvres de Vincent van Gogh (1852-1890), 22 March-20 April 1947, no. 14
Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh, 24 January-15 March 1947, no. 14
Copenhagen, Charlottenborg, Vincent van Gogh. Udstilling af malerier og tegninger, 22 June-14 July 1946, no. 14
Malmö, Malmö Museum, Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 29 May-16 June 1946, no. 15
Gothenburg, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 3-26 May 1946, no. 15
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum (Stockholm), Vincent van Gogh. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 8 March-28 April 1946, no. 15
Heerlen, Raadhuis Heerlen, Vincent van Gogh, 8-24 February 1946, no. 27
Maastricht, Bonnefantenmuseum, Vincent van Gogh, 12-28 January 1946, no. 27
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh, 14 September-1 December 1945, no. zonder nr.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Vincent van Gogh. Werken uit de verzameling van Ir. V.W. van Gogh, in bruikleen afgestaan aan de Gemeente Amsterdam, 2 May 1931-1931, no. 133
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling van teekeningen door Vincent van Gogh in het Stedelijk Museum, 22 December 1914-19 January 1915, no. 115
Leiden, Het Leidsche Volkshuis, Schilderijen en tekeningen van Van Gogh, 14-18 November 1910
Berlin, Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm, Neunzehnten Ausstellung der Berliner Secession, Zeichnende Künste, 27 November 1909-9 January 1910, no. 199
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh, 15 July-1 September 1905, no. 339
Paris, Galerie Laffitte, [titel onbekend], February 1902
Paris, Galerie Vollard, [Vincent van Gogh], December 1896-February 1897
Leiden, Museum De Lakenhal, Teekeningen van Vincent van Gogh, 25 April-1 May 1893
Heugten, Sjraar van, Greer, Joan Eileen, Gott, Ted, Van Gogh and the Seasons, Victoria, 2017, p. 194-195, 251
Heugten, Sjraar van, Vincent van Gogh drawings : volume 2 : Nuenen 1883-1885 : Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam ; Bussum, 1997, p. 222-243
Heugten, Sjraar van, Vincent van Gogh tekeningen : Nuenen 1883-1885 : Van Gogh Museum : 2, Bussum, 1997, p. 222-243
Pey, E.B.F., Pickvance, Ronald, Wolk, J. van der, Vincent van Gogh : tekeningen, Milaan, 1990, p. 164
Uitert, Evert van, Hoyle, Michael, Crimpen, Han van, The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam, 1987, p. 424